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  • Rad Dad: #3: The Transformation Issue

Rad Dad: #3: The Transformation Issue

Angebote / Angebote:

A magazine for radical dads, hip mamas, and everybody in between! Rad Dad is an eye-catching magazine committed to presenting diverse, eclectic, playful, honest stories about fathering, parenting, and everyday living. After numerous awards and a highly successful book, Rad Dad is excited to showcase essays and reflections, interviews with prominent and well-known figures, and pop-culture reviews, all balanced with humor and humility. There's no other magazine like it: geared to fathers but reflecting all of us! Issue #3 is the final issue! Full of beautiful birth stories, words of advice from parents of older children, essays on empty nesting, dealing with schools, and confronting racism and white privilege.
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10,90 CHF