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  • Rainbow Art Club Magazine

Rainbow Art Club Magazine

Angebote / Angebote:

This book tells the story of a very special group of kids and their adventures at Rainbow Art Club at Studio Dreamshare in downtown Pembroke, ON. It is also the start of our memory-keeping as a queer community here in the Ottawa Valley. We have so many more stories to tell, but this is a start. We could have told the stories of hardship and suffering we have had to and continue to endure, but these portraits and words of wisdom are about our resilience and living in our truth and rainbow joy. Through the eyes and words of our youth, with stories and resources from inspiring community elders and allies, come along with us as the story unfolds. These pictures and captured moments are a snapshot of our own rural rainbow today in the Ottawa Valley. Supporting Grant: Emergency Community Support Fund, United Way East Ontario Organization: PFLAG Canada Program delivery: Studio Dreamshare Program Coordinator: Dorian Pearce Technical Assistant: Gabriel Pearce Artists: Cameron (Dreamshare) Montgomery, Brie Birdsell (Vulvaluv), Lyn Li, Marie-Josée Arsenault, Böena Hrycyna, Rose Bennett, Tiffany Jelleau-Wilke Volunteers: Jill Holroyd, Paige Neuman
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


33,90 CHF