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Raised Redneck

Angebote / Angebote:

Howdy, Y'all. I reckon if you're readin' this you're a tryin' to figure out if'n or not you want to purchase this here book. Well, let me give you a bit of help. First off, it's pretty durn funny. Second off, it's pure backwoods, countrified, Redneck humor. As one reader put it, "If you can make it through the whole book without laughing then you might need to have a checkup 'cause something most definitely is broken." Another reader had bit of a different idea-they said, "If laughter is the best medicine, then this here book sure 'nuff outta cure what ails ya." I hope that helps you decide 'bout buyin' it, and for those of you who do, let me say Thank You ahead of time. Sure hope ya enjoy it and Happy Reading.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


22,50 CHF