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Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science

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ecnica de Catalunya. Finally, we would like to thank Helena Martinez, CarmeAlvarez, ConradoMartinez, andJordiPetitiSilvestrefortheir helpinthepreparationofthemeeting. August1998 MichaelLuby, Jos eD. P. Rolim, MariaJ. Serna Contents Invited Paper Disjoint Paths in Expander Graphs via Random Walks: A Short Survey 1 AlanM. Frieze RegularPapers A Derandomization Using Min-Wise Independent Permutations 15 AndreiZ. Broder, MosesCharikarandMichaelMitzenmacher An Algorithmic Embedding of Graphs via Perfect Matchings 25 VojtechR¿ odl, AndrzejRucin ¿skiandMichelleWagner Deterministic Hypergraph Coloring and Its Applications 35 Chi-JenLu On the De-randomization of Space-Bounded Computations 47 RoyArmoni Talagrand's Inequality and Locality in Distributed Computing 60 DevdattP. Dubhashi On-Line Bin-Stretching 71 YossiAzarandOdedRegev Combinatorial Linear Programming: Geometry Can Help 82 BerndGar ¿ tner A Note on Bounding the Mixing Time by Linear Programming 97 AbrahamSharell Robotic Exploration, Brownian Motion and Electrical Resistance 116 IsraelA. Wagner, MichaelLindenbaumandAlfredM. Bruckstein Fringe Analysis of Synchronized Parallel Algorithms on 2-3 Trees 131 RicardoBaeza-Yates, JoaquimGabarro ¿andXavierMesseguer On Balls and Bins with Deletions 145 RichardCole, AlanFrieze, BruceM. Maggs, MichaelMitzenmacher Andr¿eaW. Richa, RameshK.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


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