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  • Reminiscences of Winfield Scott Hancock

Reminiscences of Winfield Scott Hancock

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An 1844 graduate of West Point, he served in the infantry during the Mexican War with distinction before transferring to the quartermaster's department. He was ordered East for quartermaster duties but arrived to a brigadier's star. Taking his brigade to the Peninsula, he led a critical flank attack at Williamsburg and continued to distinguish himself during the rest of the dismal campaign. During the battle of Antietam, Israel B. Richardson was killed and Hancock was sent to command his division in the Second Corps, thus beginning a historic association. At Fredericksburg his division took part in the costly assaults on Marye's Heights and at Chancellorsville he skillfully covered the Union withdrawal. Hancock stepped up to the Second Corps leadership. With the fall of John F. Reynolds early on the first day at Gettysburg, Mead dispatched Hancock to take over that wing of the army and decide whether the battle should be fought there or not. This was a high honor since Oliver O. Howard, a senior officer, was already on the field.Belatedly he received the thanks of Congress for this action. On the second and third days of the battle, Hancock directed the Union center until wounded by a nail and by wood fragments, possibly from his saddle, were driven into his thigh by enemy fire. After a long recovery, he returned in time for the Overland Campaign. He fought well at the Wilderness and was brevetted Major General for crashing through the Confederate salient atSpotsylvania. At Cold Harbor his troops were slaughtered in a futile assault ordered by Grant. Shortly afterwards Hancock's old wound broke open and he had to leave the army for a time.Returning, he was humiliated by the defeat at Reams' Station and in November was forced to give up field.
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