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Retire Early

Angebote / Angebote:

Discover the detrimental impact of loans and expenses, from student loans to unplanned expenses, and learn how to break free from the cycle of accumulating debt. Explore traditional investment options like fixed deposits, gold, and real estate, as well as the power of the stock market and mutual funds. Unveil the remarkable potential of index funds, a low-risk investment avenue that offers guaranteed returns in the long term. But it doesn't stop there. This book goes beyond financial investments, highlighting the importance of investing in yourself through education and skill development to enhance your earning potential. Things you'll learn:Crafting your early retirement plan: learn step-by-step guidance to create a tailored roadmap for retiring early. Financial independence strategies: discover proven methods to attain and maintain financial freedom. Wealth accumulation techniques: master the art of accumulating wealth through savvy investment practices. Retire young and prosper: uncover the secrets of retiring early while living a fulfilling life. Investment planning for retirement: navigate investment options tailored for retirement success. Let me also say this. When i speak of retirement, i'm not talking about sitting around doing nothing. While that might be enjoyable for a few days or weeks, that would quickly get old. If you're ambitious enough to pursue an early retirement, you'd be bored out of your mind if your retirement years didn't include meaningful activities.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


27,50 CHF