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Angebote / Angebote:

Return is a one-of-a-kind informative and engaging book about the emotional and spiritual healing journey, written by a psychotherapist. It includes many aspects of the author's journey as well as that of her clients. Key to this volume is the focus on understanding dreams as a tool for working with issues ranging from the more mundane to the highly complex. The book is written for everyone from the curious layperson to the clinician who has little training in working with dreams. The author uses compelling examples to demonstrate how dreams can be used for greater understanding, empowerment and connection with our higher selves and with God. Along the way the book discusses best practices for ethical dreamwork and therapy, and how to discern what is good therapy. The book covers many subjects in detail, including recovery from trauma and abuse. The author's work with dissociative disorders led her down the rabbit hole into the dark worlds of MK Ultra mind control, pedophilia, child sex trafficking and satanism at the highest levels of government. When working with a very high-level mind-controlled client in Washington DC, Warner became a target. Her life was forever changed by the intrusive surveillance, gang stalking, intimidations, multiple break-ins as well as ongoing murder attempts. A very high level advisor told her she would never be safe until she published her story. With the publication of this book, everything stopped. A deep faith and daily guidance from God had helped the author remain safe throughout, against all the odds. Section Five is a wake-up call for clinicians and the general public. The governmental overreach and authoritarianism during Covid-19 is a brazen attempt to install the tyrannical New World Order, a continuation of earlier stages of the plan which Warner had learned and written about in the earlier versions of this book. Informative, engaging and eye-opening, Warner ends the book on positive notes, discussing spirituality in therapy, and sharing powerful stories about healing miracles made possible through the power of faith, prayer and dreams.
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