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Andrew Murray exercised a powerful ministry in South Africa in the latter decades of the 19th century. In his lifetime he wrote over 240 books. This book, REVIVAL, conveys Murray's deep spirituality, his knowledge of the word of God and his confidence that obedience to that word guarantees divine blessings. Murray was well qualified to write such a book because he was no stranger to revival. In this book Murray writes that, "God seeks for men and women through whom He can bless the world. When man fell and God began the great work of restoring the human race, He proved that man was still to hold his place and that all His saving work was to be done through man. Think of two-thirds of the world not knowing Christ." Every Christian knows that the Lord Jesus Christ could return tomorrow. The goal is for all the people of the world to know Christ before that happens. This mission is made easier when the church experiences REVIVAL.
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