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  • Rightly Dividing the Word

Rightly Dividing the Word

Angebote / Angebote:

Christ crucified is the true key to unlocking the truth of God's Word. He said as much when He confronted the Pharisees - "Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and THEY ARE THEY WHICH TESTIFY OF ME" (John 5:39). That being said, we must also understand that God has given His people minds and the power of reasoning so that when we are driven and directed by the Holy Spirit to search for truth in His written Word, we must diligently and responsibly use proper rules for interpreting the Bible. The purpose of this book is to list, define, and give examples for what I believe to be the best rules of interpreting the Bible. My desire and prayer is that the Lord will use these things for His glory, the salvation of sinners, and the edification of His children. May the Lord use this as a tool to guide those who truly desire to read and study His Word.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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