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Angebote / Angebote:

The action and adventure of Percy Jackson meets the complex heroines of The Cruel Prince as a family of valkyries fight to stop Ragnarök.For seventeen-year-old Bryn, it feels like all of Chicago sees her as nothing less than a public nuisance. But what is a strong-willed valkyrie to do? She didn’t ask to grow up within a Renaissance faire with two annoyingly perfect older sisters to contend with. When their mother disappears on a mission for Odin, Bryn can feel in her bones something is wrong, but her sisters refuse to take her seriously.Things only take a turn for the worse when a half elf, half giant named Juniper crashes the party with a violent zombie in tow, claiming Ragnarök is about to begin. If that wasn’t enough, the faire’s adorable new jousting competitor, Wyatt the Black Knight, (who Bryn is definitely not crushing on) just so happens to turn into a bear when threatened. Determined to survive the upcoming Ragnarök, Bryn, Juniper, and Wyatt team up to combat the hoard of nightmarish Norse mythology creatures that keeps appearing throughout the faire. After Bryn ignores the call to deliver Wyatt to Odin’s eternal warriors in Valhalla, choosing to save his life instead, she starts to wonder if she’ll ever get this valkyrie thing right.But time is not on Bryn’s side after her sisters vanish on a mission to save their mother, leaving Bryn as the only warrior left to stop the war to end all realms. Whether she’s ready or not, Bryn is about to learn how the ties between fate and choice are as interwoven and unbreakable as the bonds between sisters.
Noch nicht erschienen, Juli 2024


22,90 CHF