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Robert Morris

Angebote / Angebote:

With extensive reproductions of some of Robert Morris's most important works, this authoritative and yet accessible examination analyzes the trajectory of one of the most influential artists of the second half of the 20th century and his importance within the framework of contemporary art. From the minimalism that brought him to prominence to his experiments with instillation, land, and performance art, every aspect of Morris's career is thoroughly explored. "Con reproducciones extensivas de algunas de las obras mas importantes de Robert Morris, este examen autorizado pero no obstante accesible analiza la trayectoria de uno de los artistas mas influyentes de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y su importancia dentro del marco del arte contemporaneo. Desde el minimalismo que lo trajo a la prominencia hasta sus experimentos con la instalacion artistica y el arte de accion y terrestre, cada aspecto de la carrera de Morris se explora de una manera completa.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


29,90 CHF