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Rumors & Ghosts

Angebote / Angebote:

Seaside villages, oft peopled by fishermen and Captains, have held sway of many a thought. Shrouded by dense fog in the dead of night, these landscapes lend themelves to Mystery and tales of old. Ethereal mirages, adamantly and assuredly seen by the believer, lay the groundwork for others' enjoyment. But even the most unsuspecting soul may wonder: Do they exist? Or are they the flames of the tortured guilt-ridden psyche within each of us?Rumors. Who of you, have never bent your ear to one? Or begun one? Or helped one along the continuum of tale telling in which gossip becomes knotted, entangled, metamorphosizing into its own ne'er-do-well, not breathing, but existing, hurting, spewing flagitious, maleficent thoughts? And in the end, who has won? But several have lost, and over time, these threads fade, shred, wither... only for a new one to begin.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


31,90 CHF

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