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Sacred Fire

Angebote / Angebote:

The soul-freeing process of Ascension is considered the utmost peak of human spiritual development and its precious states of consciousness have been sought by spiritual avatars and adepts of all ages. This book is a practical workbook that explains how to apply numerous Ascension techniques that access this miraculous energy of rejuvenation, strength, and spiritual fortification.Each lesson in this selection of I AM America Ascension Teachings focuses on methods that set-up dynamic energies that create new HU-man brain connections. Each progressive spiritual technique converges to help you to develop a personal, experiential spiritual practice that evolves both your inner and outer light. As the frequencies of the Earth continue to progress into the Golden Age, you will advance into a seasoned Step-down Transformer of the Gold Ray.Throughout this unique compilation of channeled lessons received by mystic Lori Toye, Ascended Master Saint Germain focuses many of his teachings on the Violet Flame, the vibrant sacred fire of forgiveness and transfiguration and shares numerous insights on how to apply its energies through decree, visualization, meditation, and breath technique. You will also learn about valuable spiritual methods of meditation, specific use of decree and mantra, and how to identify and release karmic patterns.Sacred Fire contains a unique collection of important prayers and numerous decrees from the Ascended Masters of the I AM America Teachings that fortify and increase your spiritual light during this critical time of collective Spiritual Awakening and worldwide Ascension.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


29,90 CHF