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Sarah's Child

Angebote / Angebote:

Sarah's Child' is all about love, decency and reality in a very contemporary context. When young Sarah Clarkson finds she is pregnant to her boyfriend, Stewart, she thinks her fairy tale life is just beginning. That fairy tale turns into a nightmare of domestic violence and crippling control and jealousy, driving Sarah over the edge. Sarah develops postpartum depression, joining millions of mothers around the world with this insidious and crippling condition. Even when recovered, her life is wrought with frustration and pain as the father of her child uses every dirty trick in the book to control her. Desperation drives Sarah to commit a crime that sends her even further down the path of despair and no matter what crimes her spouse may commit against her, it seems society is one sided and there is, for the once mentally ill, no justice.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


25,50 CHF