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Angebote / Angebote:

Children Book dedicated to the doll and character created by a knitters group in Scotland.PREFACEIn a wee pub in Burntisland, on the Fife coast of Scotland, there is a small group of knitters who meet every Thursday night and sit in the corner knitting and chatting. As the evening progresses, there is more chatting than knitting and on one occasion the subject turned to childhood toys that you no longer see. The night wore on, the conversation took a turn of its own and somehow or other they agreed to knit an updated Scottish version of an old favourite. A pattern was written, wool was bought and Scgoli was born. Pretty soon he had his own Facebook page and was travelling all over the world. The knitters and their friends have had lots of fun with him and hope that when you get to know him, you will too.
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16,50 CHF

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