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  • Schaum's Outline of French Vocabulary, Fifth Edition

Schaum's Outline of French Vocabulary, Fifth Edition

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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A trusted resource to help boost your French vocabulary and usage skills-with access to Schaum's improved app and website!This perennially popular review guide has gotten even better, reflecting the most modern usages and topics in French language study. With an emphasis on conversational French and necessary updates that reflect the latest developments in the language as spoken today, Schaum's Outline of French Vocabulary, Fifth Edition is an essential tool to broaden your knowledge and conversational skills.Improvements in Schaum's Outline of French Vocabulary, Fifth Edition include more complete grammatical explanations, new examples, more updated content, and modern illustrations to replace illustrations of dated electronics-in addition to access to the new Schaum's app and website. Schaum's Outline of French Vocabulary, Fifth Edition features:. New to this edition: the new Schaum's app and website. Also new to this edition: a new section on social media, updated references for computer terms, additional vocabulary terms, and updates to the food and shopping sections. Outline format facilitates quick and easy review French vocabulary. Over 320 exercises with answers to help you test your mastery of French vocabulary. Online audio recordings. Hundreds of example sentences with explanations of vocabulary concepts. Clear presentations of everyday words and phrases, including phrases useful for traveling or living in French-speaking regions. French-English and English-French glossaries. Sections that expand vocabulary of basic text. Needed updates reflect the latest developments in the French language . Clear, concise format that complements any course in French vocabulary. Appropriate for the following courses: Elementary French I, Elementary French II, AP French, Intermediate French I, Intermediate French II, French for Business, and French ConversationSynopsis
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