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Scow Truck

Angebote / Angebote:

An unabashed parody of Star Trek and the Sci-Fi genre, Scow Truck cosists of four audio scripts for use as classroom exercises or for recording by students of media production. In them, you'll meet such forgetable characters as the Chief Custodian, commander of Scowfleet, Captain Crock, skipper of Scow Truck Second Prize and his crew, the pointy eared Spook, engineer Shorty, Dr. DeCoy, radio officer O'Hara, linguist Resetta Stein, GAL, (ship's computer with an attitude), and weapons officer Blaze Starr, also known as the bimbo in the spandex suit. Whether you use these scripts in a media class or just read them for entertainment, may the farce be with you
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF