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Angebote / Angebote:

It was yet another warm, sunshine-filled, thrilling and one-of-a-kind Summer weekend at the "Dala ma rahuma" (famous homestead) of the legendary "Jambaka" (Storyteller) Chief Leinad Ongoda, famed for his signature method and teachings in his uniquely-captivating and worth-listening-to oral narratives, that captured timeless truths hinged on important as well as cardinal immutable universal laws, that secretly moved the universe in every time-frame since time immemorial, and were worth noting for the ones of whom wisdom and not just intelligence, had meaning, purpose or importance in their lives. In his generation as well as in the previous ones, it was true that many inhabitants of the sanguine planet that he lived in, were painfully finding it more and more of a reality, that the ever-increasing challenges of this world, were not successfully dealt with that much through the employment of intelligent methods or techniques in problem-solving, but were actually successfully dealt with, and overcame when more of wisdom-inspired methods rather than intelligence-engineered models, became an integral part of the equation from which the long-term, pragmatic or practical solutions to real-life challenges would stem from, or be found. In as much as he migrated and now lived in a distant "piny ma midhiero" (land of mystery) that is revealed for the first time in this "sigana" (story), it is true that over the years, Chief Leinad Ongoda also known by other names as a "Jakoro or Janabi Mang'ongo" (A Great Seer or Prophet) and more, was famed for his mastery of "sigendni" (stories) from his ancestral roots in Luoland, in ways and manner that many of his peers could not fathom or comprehend even if they tried to, as this was a special "mich mar Nyasaye" (God-given gift or talent). Chief Leinad Ongoda's stories were worth knowing and even committing unto memory the "puonjruok" (teachings) from them, especially to they who were focused on not only just living in this world and riding the clock of time and crossing its longitudes, but also in defeating the world by successfully attracting unto themselves long-term peace, harmony, true wealth, love, security and joy into their very own lives as well as in the lives of their loved ones. Today, in as much as all his great and great-great grandchildren had already gathered and requested him to begin the narration of his new and much-awaited "sigana" (story) even before the official day had commenced, he was still recuperating from the effects of drinks from last night's long and lavish party in his "dala" (home), in which lots of food and drinks were served to all the attendees including but not limited to the notables in the society, heads of different worth-noting organizations, and diplomats as well. It was true that narrating a story of his repute, took quite a while and as he thought of how to go about this monumental task, a brilliant idea quickly came into his mind, And, in this thought, he quickly and skillfully "threw the ball back into the court" of his grandchildren by asking them to volunteer to narrate unto all that were there, a story of their choice that they could remember from the previous sessions. He did this in order to buy time to allow his body to recuperate before he officially began his much-awaited thriller "sigana" (story)...
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