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  • Space Manifold Dynamics

Space Manifold Dynamics

Angebote / Angebote:

One cannot predict how knowledge will be applied - only that it often is (Charles Conley, 1968) The advances in the eld of dynamical systems led to the development of innovative methods and techniques for investigating stable and chaotic dynamics. The appli- tion of these ndings to the classical three- and N-body problems provided a novel approach to studying the dynamical evolution of the celestial bodies and nding novel spaceways and orbital con gurations for arti cial satellites and spacecrafts. The exploitation of quasi-periodic orbits around the collinear Lagrangian points of the Earth-Sun system for solar and astronomy missions is a well known example of this kind. In the last years the renewed interest of the major space agencies in the exp- ration of Solar System bodies, foreseeing also manned missions to the Moon and Mars, widened the potential bene ts of the dynamical systems approach to space- ight dynamics. Moreover, mission pro les are becoming more and more complex, often requiring a multi-disciplinary approach, where the contribution of ope- tions, the impact of the space environment, and the possibility of in-situ resource exploitation play an increasingly important role.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


188,00 CHF