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  • Spanish Colouring Book For Kids Ages 5-7

Spanish Colouring Book For Kids Ages 5-7

Angebote / Angebote:

Learning your very first words in Spanish is fun with this fantastic colouring book! The following ten topics are covered in this book: toys, pet animals, transport, picnic, summer, zoo, fruit, countryside, the town and vegetables. The colouring pages in this book are single sided, and have one Spanish word per page so your little one can focus on learning just one new word at a time. The English word is also shown on each page in a smaller font size. The useful Spanish words for each topic are as follows:Toys: el coche / el osito de peluche / el balón / la guitarra / el tambor Pet animals: el gato / el perro / el conejo / el pez / la tortuga Transport: el camión / el avión / el barco / el autobús / el helicóptero Picnic: el bocadillo / el queso/ la ensalada / la fruta / las galletas Summer: el sol / la flor / la camiseta / el helado / la mariposa Zoo: el mono / el elefante / el león / la jirafa / el loro Fruit: la manzana / el limón / la fresa / las uvas / la naranja Countryside: el toro / el ratón / el árbol / el burro / la cabra The town: el castillo / la piscina / la cafetería / el supermercado / la estación de trenes Vegetables: las patatas / los guisantes / la zanahoria / la cebolla / el pimiento The author of this book is a qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. Also available by the same author:Young Cool Kids Learn Spanish First Words In Spanish Teacher's Resource Book Cool Kids Speak Spanish Books 1, 2 & 3 Spanish Word Games - Cool Kids Speak Spanish First 100 Words In Spanish Coloring Book Cool Kids Speak Spanish Daniel And The Spanish Robot Books 1, 2 & 3 Sophie And The Spanish Magician Jack And The Spanish Dinosaur Spanish at Christmas time Seis Mascotas Maravillosas
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


12,90 CHF