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  • Proceedings. Fifth International Conference Berlin (West), July 7¿11, 1980

Proceedings. Fifth International Conference Berlin (West), July 7¿11, 1980

Angebote / Angebote:

Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- CONTENTS -- Chapter I. HYDROGENIC EMITTERS IN MODERATELY DENSE PLASMAS -- Theory of Hydrogen Stark Broadening / Seidel, J. -- The Microfield Formulation of Spectral Line Broadening / Dufty, J. W. -- Influence of Different Ion Dynamical Effects on Lyman Lines / Voslamber, D. / Stamm, R. -- Theory Including Non-Adiabatic Effects of Ion Dynamics / Voslamber, D. -- Is Ion Dynamics Really so Important? / Peach, G. -- Stark Broadening of the Hydrogen Resonance Line Ly in Comparison to La and Lß / Geisler, M. / Grützmaoher, K. / Wende, B. -- Long Path Absorption Measurements of the Pressure-Broadened Balmer-Alpha Profile / Burgess, D. D. / Kolbe, G. / Playford, C. St. Q. -- The Influence of the Gas Temperature on the Central Part of the Stark Profile of Balmer Beta / Esrom, H. / Helbig, V. -- Investigation of the Stark Broadening of Balmer Beta / Nick, K. -P. / Helbig, V. -- Experimental Stark Profiles of He II 3203 and He II 4686 / Bernard, J. E. / Curzon, F. L. / Barnard, A. J. -- Some Comments on Hydrogenic Lines in a Plasma - Shifts, Asymmetries and Widths / Pittman, T. L. / Kelleher, D. E. -- Chapter II. TWO- AND MORE-ELECTRON EMITTERS IN MODERATELY DENSE PLASMAS -- Experimental Study of Plasma Broadened He I Lines With Forbidden Components / Eelbig, V. / Ehrich, H. -- Stark Broadening of Isolated Ion Lines by Plasmas: Theory / Eey, J. D. / Breger, P. -- Stark Broadening of Isolated Ion Lines by Plasmas: Application of Theory / Hey, J. D. / Breger, P. -- Modified Semiempirical Formula for the Electron-Impact Width of Ionized Atom Lines: Theory and Applications / Dimitrijevic, M. S. / Konjevic, N. -- On the Systematic Trends of Stark Broadening Parameters of Isolated Lines in Plasmas / Konjevia, N. / Dimitrijevic, M. S. -- Stark Parameter Dependence on the Ionization Potential / Puric, J. / Labat, O. / Lakioevic, I. -- Stark Broadening and Shift of Cs I and A1 II Lines / Lakioevic, I. S. / Puria, J. / Cuk, M. -- Experimental and Calculated Xe I and Xe II Stark Widths / Lesage, A. / Miller, M. H. / Riohou, J. / Truong-Bach -- Stark Broadening of Krypton Lines / Brandt, T. / Helbig, V. / Niek, K. -P. -- The Broadening of Spectral Lines by Autoionization, Radiative Transitions, and Collisions / Davis, J. / Jacobs, V. L. -- The Effect of Electric Fields on Autoionization Resonances / Kelleher, D. E. -- Chapter III. HIGHLY IONIZED EMITTERS IN EXTREMELY DENSE PLASMAS -- Diagnosis of High-Density Laser Compressed Plasmas Using Spectral Line Profiles / Hauer, A. -- Line Shapes in High Density Plasmas / Lee, R. W. -- Line Shapes in the Simulation of Radiative Transfer / Lee, R. W. -- Emission Line Shapes From Laser Compression Plasmas / Kilkenny, J. / Veats, S. / Shalom, A. / Lee, R. W. -- Doppler Profiles of XUV Emission From Dense Plasmas / Burgess, D. D. / Everett, D. / Peacock, N. J. -- Stark Broadening in Hot, Dense, Laser-Produced Plasmas: Full Coulomb Electron Interactions / Woltz, L. A. / Joyce, R. F. / Hooper, C. F. -- Intermediate Coupling Effects on Helium-Like Ion Lines From Dense Plasmas / Griem, H. R. / Kepple, P. C. -- Broadening of Hydrogenic X Rays Emitted by a Laser-Produced Plasma / Hoe, Nguyen -- Stark Broadening of Isolated Lines From High-Z Emitters in Dense Plasmas / Weisheit, J. C. / Pollock, E. L. -- Second-Order Corrections to Thermal Microfield in Dense Plasmas / Held, B. / Deutsch, C. -- Stark Effect in Strong Non-Homogeneous t Field / Lambert, D. -- Chapter IV. LASER SPECTROSCOPY OF PLASMAS AND PLASMA SATELLITES -- Laser Spectroscopy of Plasmas in Application to Measurements of Line Shapes and Collision Rates / Burgess, D. D. -- Investigation of Plasma-Satellites by Laser-Fluorescence Spectroscopy / Kunze, U. -J. -- The Last Truth on Plasma Satellites? / Drccwin, B. W. -- The Problem of Molecular Lines in the Study of Plasma Satellites / Viel, A. -- Chapter V. LINE BROADENING BY FOREIGN GASES -- Model Potential Calculations for Alkali-Rare-Gas Systems. Comparison With Experiment / Masnou-Seeuws, F. -- Ab Initio Calculation of Potential Energy Surfaces. Adiabatic and Non-Adiabatic Representations / Levy, B. -- Quasimolecular Interpretation of Collision Effects on Atomic Forbidden Transitions / Szudy, J. / V-Lstiaot, J. P. / Sayev, B. -- Theory of Spectral Line Broadening by Neutral Gas at Intermediate Densities / Royer, A. -- Multiple Perturber Satellites: Theory and Experiment / Kielkopf, J. -- Blue Satellite of the K(5P-4S) Doublet Perturbed by Neon / Delhoume, M. / Brillet, W-Ü L. / Masnou-Seeuws, F. / Feautrier, N. / Rostas, F. -- Interatomic Potentials for Hg-Kr From Measurements of Pressure o Broadening of the Hg-2537 Å Line / Gryauk, T. -- Study of Collision-Induced Absorption in Dipole Electronic Transitions of Alkali-Rare Gas Atom Pairs / Czuahaj, E. -- Experimental Study of Two-Photon Absorption of Sodium Perturbed by Collisions With Noble Gas Atoms / Gvanier, R. / Charton, G. / Gvanier, J. -- Broadening and Shifts of the Resonance Lines of Neutral and Signly Ionized Mg, Ca and Sr. / Giles, R. G. / Lewis, E. L. -- Pressure Broadening and Pressure Shift of the Cadmium Intero combination Line at ¿ = 3261 Å / Sahuessler, H. A. / Dietz, K. -J. / Dabkiewiez, P. / Kluge, H. J. / Kühl, T. -- Quasi-Static Wings of K Spectral Lines Broadened by Cs / Vadla, C. / Beuc, R. / Movre, M. -- Observation of Non-Lorentzian Spectral Lineshapes in Na-Noble Gas Systems / Walkup, R. E. / Pritchard, D. E. -- Chapter VI. EXCIMERS -- Alkali-Rare Gas Excimers / Rostas, F. -- A Model for the Rare Gas Excimers With Spin Orbit Coupling. I. Interaction Potential. II. Dipole Moment / Vallee, O. / Trail Minh, N. / Chapelle, J. -- Synchrotron Radiation Experimental Determination of Rare Gas Excimer States: Comparison With Recent Theoretical Calculation / Castex, M. C. / Dutuit, O. / Le Calve, J. / Morlais, M. -- VUV Emission Spectroscopy of Rare Gas Excimers After keV-Electron Impact Excitation / Sahmoranzer, H. / Wanik, R. -- Determination of Excimer Potential Curves From VUV-Fluorescence Intensities / Sahmoranzer, H. / Wanik, R. / Kruger, H. -- Chapter VII. RESONANCE BROADENING -- Self-Broadening in Metal Vapors / Piahler, G. -- Quasistatic Self-Broadening of Li and Na First Resonance Lines / Veza, D. / Piohler, G. -- Triplet Satellite Bands in the Very Far Blue Wings of the Self- Broadened Alkali D Lines / Movre, M. / Veza, D. / Piohler, G. / Niemax, K. -- Discrepancy With Theoretical Resonance Broadening on the He Line at 2.06 pm / Damasehini, R. / Verges, J. -- Chapter VIII. COLLISIONAL REDISTRIBUTION OF RESONANCE RADIATION AND RELATED PHENOMENA -- Recent Developments in Line Shape Theory / Ben-Reuven, A. -- Collisional Redistribution of Resonance Radiation / Burnett, K. -- Collisional Redistribution of Strong Resonance Radiation / Nienhuis, G. -- Collisional Depolarization and Redistribution of Laser Radiation in Near Resonance With A 2S1/2 +- 2P - Transition / Behmenburg, W. / Kroop, V. -- Far Wing Depolarization of Light: Generalized Absorption Profiles / Thomann, P. / Burnett, K. / Cooper, J. -- Power-Broadening of the Na-D Lines in a Flame Irradiated With a Pulsed Tunable Dye Laser / Calcar, R. A. van -- Unified Theory of Pressure Broadened Absorption Spectra in Strong Radiation Fields / Rabin, Y. / Mukamel, S. -- Line Broadening Caused by Laser Linewidth / Wôdkiewicz, K. -- An Experimental Study of the Collision Broadening of the Na-D Doublet Lines in Flames and Absorption Cells With Ar and N2 Perturbers / Jongerius, M. J. -- Structured Continuum in the Fluorescence Spectrum of Cs2 / Exton, R. J. / Fiehler, G. / Tellinghuisen, J. -- Light-Induced Collisional Energy Transfer / Tosahek, P. E. -- Collision Induced Pair Absorption in Pure and Mixed Alkalis / Hotop, R. / Niemax, K. -- Collision Induced Scattering of Light in Mercury Vapour: Some Experimental and Theoretical Results / Borysow, A. / Findeisen, M. / Gryouk, T. / Komar, W. -- Inelastic Collisions Between Selectively Excited Rubidium Atoms and Ground State Rubidium Atoms Observed by Laser Induced Fluorescence / Sahuessler, H. A. / Hill, R. H. -- Chapter IX. DOPPLER-FREE TECHNIQUES -- Resonance Fluorescence From Single Ions at Rest / Neuhauser, W. / Hohenstatt, M. / Toschek, P. E. / Dehmelt, H. -- Broadening and Shift of High Rydberg States Measured by Doppler- Free Two-Photon Spectroscopy / Stoiaheff, B. P. / Thompson, D. C. / Weinberger, E. -- Broadening and Shift Measurements of Doppler-Free Two-Photon Lines With the Thermionic Diode / Niemax, K. / Weber, K. -H. -- The Measurement of Collisional Lineshapes Using Optical Echo Techniques / Mossberg, T. W. / Kaahru, R. / Leung, K. P. / Whittaker, E. / Hartmann, S. R. -- Collision Studies of Ha Fine Structure Lines With High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy / Weber, E. W. -- Effect of Quenching Collisions on Density Shift and Broadening / Weber, E. W. / Jungmann, K. -- Plasma Shift and Broadening of Resolved Ha Fine Structure Lines / Weber, E. W. / Humpert, H. J. -- Chapter X. RELATED TOPICS -- Light Scattering From a Non-Equilibrium Fluid / Dufty, J. W. -- Validity of Semiclassical Small Angle Scattering Amplitudes for the Calculation of Elastic Collision Kernels With Lennard-Jones Intermolecular Potentials / Avrilliev, S. / Bordé, C. J. / Pioart, J. / Tran Minh, N. -- Modification of Microwave Radiation due to Electron-Molecule Collisions / Mehrotra, S. C. -- Author Index -- Subject Index
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