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- Statistical Analysis and Data Display
Statistical Analysis and Data Display
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This contemporary presentation of statistical methods featuresextensive use of graphical displays for exploring data and fordisplaying the analysis. The authors demonstrate how to analyzedata—showing code, graphics, and accompanying tabular listings—forall the methods they cover. They emphasize how to construct andinterpret graphs. They discuss principles of graphical design. Theyidentify situations where visual impressions from graphs may needconfirmation from traditional tabular results. All chapters haveexercises.The authors provide and discuss R functions for all the new graphicaldisplay formats. All graphs and tabular output in the book wereconstructed using these functions. Complete R scripts for all examplesand figures are provided for readers to use as models for their ownanalyses.This book can serve as a standalone text for statistics majors at themaster’s level and for other quantitatively oriented disciplines atthe doctoral level, and as a reference book for researchers. In-depthdiscussions of regression analysis, analysis of variance, and designof experiments are followed by introductions to analysis of discretebivariate data, nonparametrics, logistic regression, and ARIMA timeseries modeling. The authors illustrate classical concepts andtechniques with a variety of case studies using both newer graphicaltools and traditional tabular displays.The Second Edition features graphs that are completely redrawn usingthe more powerful graphics infrastructure provided by R's latticepackage. There are new sections in several of the chapters, revisedsections in all chapters and several completely new appendices.New graphical material includes:• an expanded chapter on graphics, • a section on graphing Likert Scale Data to build on the importance ofrating scales in fields from population studies to psychometrics, • a discussion on design of graphics that will work for readers withcolor-deficient vision, • an expanded discussion on the design of multi-panel graphics, • expanded and new sections in the discrete bivariate statistics chapteron the use of mosaic plots for contingency tables including the n×2×2tables for which the Mantel–Haenszel–Cochran test is appropriate, • an interactive (using the shiny package) presentation of the graphicsfor the normal and t-tables that is introduced early and used in manychapters.The new appendices include discussions of R, the HH packagedesigned for R (the material in the HH package was distributed as aset of standalone functions with the First Edition of this book), theR Commander package, the RExcel system, the shiny package, and aminimal discussion on writing R packages. There is a new appendix oncomputational precision illustrating and explaining the FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) about the differences between thefamiliar real number system and the less-familiar floating pointsystem used in computers. The probability distributions appendix hasbeen expanded to include more distributions (all the distributions inbase R) and to include graphs of each. The editing appendix from theFirst Edition has been split into four expanded appendices—on workingstyle, writing style, use of a powerful editor, and use of LaTeX fordocument preparation.
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