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Angebote / Angebote:

Lauren F. Winner, author of thecritically acclaimed memoir Girl MeetsGod, here describes how the loss ofher mother and the collapse of hermarriage slam her into a wall of doubt.Witty, relatable, and fiercely honest, Winner lays bare her experience ofwhat she calls the "middle stage" ofthe spiritual life. In elegant and spareprose, she explores why—in themidst of the overwhelming anxiety, loneliness, and boredom of her deepestquestioning about where (or if) Godis—the Christian story still explainsher better than any other story she'sever known and how she arrived ata deeper and better place. Still is anabsorbing meditation combiningliterary grace with spiritual wisdom.It is sure to provide comfort and hopeto all spiritual travelers.
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23,90 CHF