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Stony Cane

Angebote / Angebote:

This is a collection of short stories about growing up in a place that never heard the sound of an airplane or the roar of automobiles . A beautiful, simple way of life. Actually, a time that has passed away and will never be again. These stories are a way to travel back to that time and the beautiful reminiscences of a small girl growing up there. How she grew up surrounded by violence and intolerance, yet knew there was a nobler way. When she slipped through the long rows of corn she found a dear friend name Maggie in the house of her family's enemy. Maggie liked her moonshine cut with sugar. Yet even as a young girl, she braved punishment to see her friend and share bologna and moonshine with her. How the simple pleasure of sitting with her friend under a roof full of holes was worth the fear of a whipping. She accepted her friend unconditionally, no judgments of how she lived. She learned to see past her surroundings and only see beauty.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


29,50 CHF