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Storm Warning

Angebote / Angebote:

An international multi-lingual anthology of 82 poets from around the world. At this perilous moment, the Revolutionary Poets Brigade presents our eleventh international anthology: Storm Warning: Poets for the Planet Building Socialism. Storm Warning contains auguries of struggle for a just and sustainable world in a precarious future that has already begun with rising sea level, drastic changes to local climates, ever more extreme weather events, chronic drought, flooding, lengthening fire seasons, and countless other environmental disasters. The global focus of these poems is on climate change, planetary warming, environmental resistance, and social justice, all driven by the aggression and arrogance of Capitalism and evermore evident Fascism. This anthology differs palpably from the previous ten. Most significantly, it's the first prepared without Jack Hirschman. Jack said, "Everyone's a poet." To him, creating, sharing, and reading poems out loud are revolutionary acts. Each poem calls to everyone everywhere to find the poet within, rediscover our shared humanity, and envision a future where our natural environment is cherished, and everyone's basic needs are met. As poets, it's our responsibility to use our poetic power for the stewardship of our Mother Earth and all who live here
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF

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