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  • Strafprozessuale Rechte des Verletzten in der Europäischen Union

Strafprozessuale Rechte des Verletzten in der Europäischen Union

Angebote / Angebote:

»Procedural Rights of Crime Victims in Criminal Processes within the European Union. A Comparative Analysis and the Proposal for an Alternative Paradigm to Satisfy an Individual Desire for Recognition and Satisfaction« Reforms to strengthen victims' rights in the criminal process and to satisfy a private desire for recognition and satisfaction within the criminal trial are internationally on vogue. The study shows, however, that the current approach to primarily satisfy victim desires within the criminal process is theoretically unfounded and practically unsatisfactory. The study draws its findings from an in-depth analysis of the recent EU law and politics on victims' rights and a comparative assessment of Member States' criminal and procedural law and theory. Based on these findings, the study develops a completely new approach to reconcile the competing interests: the proposal of an »additives Betroffenenforum«.
Libri-Titel folgt in ca. 2 Arbeitstagen


137,00 CHF

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