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Surgical Rape

Angebote / Angebote:

This little information booklet is a true story about a young woman who lost a medical malpractice court case. And for the past eight years, she and her family have been desperately seeking justice. They feel that the surgeon who mistakenly removed three healthy organs got off because the medical malpractice laws are designed to uphold doctors who break the oath they promised to uphold. Also, her attorney let her down in the three-day trial. He failed to represent her accordingly, and she has not been able to obtain another attorney who would assist her in bringing this lawyer to justice. Other attorneys have boldly claimed that attorneys just do not sue another attorney. It seems they have made some kind of binding pact to protect each other. Now the victim, always ill after the surgery happened, also wants to warn other would-be victims what to look out for when hiring a physician or an attorney. Plus, she is praying that this book will fall into the hands of some compassionate attorney who will fight along with her to bring this abuse to an end and change some American laws. She knows that there are some honest doctors and lawyers out there who are also willing to maintain their integrity. Not everyone is as greedy for filthy lucre as these professionals, who took advantage of her innocence and abused her for the love of money, are. So the faith that has brought her this far will continue to lead her to the right people who will help.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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