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  • English Renaissance Rhetoric and Poetics: A Systematic Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources

English Renaissance Rhetoric and Poetics: A Systematic Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources

Angebote / Angebote:

This volume is the first comprehensive reference work on English Renaissance rhetoric and poetics. It is arranged in four sections: (A) bibliographies, (B) primary sources, (C) secondary sources, (D) indices. Section B lists more than 500 books on rhetoric and poetics published in the British Isles and abroad between 1479 and 1660. Detailed information is provided on each of them: transcription of the title-page of the editio princeps, call number of the library copy consulted, further historical and modern editions, together with the relevant secondary literature. Section C covers the whole range of "applied rhetoric and poetics" totalling some 2, 000 titles between 1900 and 1994. It deals systematically with such topics a "General Studies, " "Rhetorical Genres" and "Rhetoric/Poetics and Individual Authors." An introductory essay outlines the principles of the bibliography.
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487,00 CHF