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Tasman's Travail

Angebote / Angebote:

The Dutch East India Company is in the throes of expansion. They are seeking gold, treasure, land to conquer and an easy passage to South America. Still in thrall to the invisible Hand of his Overlord, the long lived vampire entity is compelled to find new skin. And he does exactly that.This is another chapter in the entity's evolution toward the light. And he finds himself suddenly in the guise of Abel Tasman, Master Commander and brave explorer, who becomes the first European to espy the sites of Van Diemen's Land, eventually Tasmania, and of New Zealand. It is sixteen hundred and forty two and white man's expansion is in full throttle.Much of this book, as with the others of the Entity Saga, rides true facts and historical details of the early European discovery in the South Seas. In this book, uncover the oft en calamitous influence of white colonialism on the indigenous peoples. Be also exposed to the early myths and cultures of the Maori and the Moriori. And why the Moriori went into near absolute decline. And discover the nature of cannibalism as it was practiced then.The story that merges with the fact of history is vast. The characters encounter pirates, sharks, native resistance and a demon who challenges the ultimate power of the entity. The whirlwind story is compelling and captivating.The romance of the virgin territory, the vital history and the erotic permutations of the characters will put a spell on you. Once that spell has you almost within its grasp...It is at that moment to let this tale sink its fangs into your most vulnerable parts.
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28,90 CHF