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BEAUTYShe walks across the grass and looks beyond the sparkling lake as her beautyguides her upon the sleeping woods. Her beauty sparkles like the glisteningof the evening sea, but see she is on guard and has God all through her yard.He is her protector and intercessor, He is her true love that is beyond above.Her name is Beauty because she is not rejected but protected, she is notmisguided. Oh! A love that is so true it feels like everyday it's brand new.She walks through the silky grounds, and she is not bound. Beauty looksupon the lakes and find her love for Christ wide, sweet like cake becauseshe knows God is never late. She's forever excited for this holy date, andknows that it's her fate. Beauty is her name, she is not locked in her mind, but she is free like the dancing trees in the autumn. Her beauty listens to thewaterfalls and her eyes fills the halls. Beauty is a spiritual beauty that onlyGod can give you, it's not mocked and put into a boiling pot. God controlsthe temperature, you won't burn up in the pot of insecure but walk into abeauty that is pure. BEAUTY . . .COME TO WORSHIPBow down and worship him, put away the enemy tools and take a Holyswim in God's pool. Don't stop this worship when you leave your church, bring it home because you won't feel alone. Come to worship with all yourheart and soul, praise his holy name because this sweet feeling will neverchange. Worship him through your night, don't be afraid of the dark he isyour light. Come to worship with your heart, and this love will never part.It's ok to praise him with your tears because you never forgot the hard shipsand dark years. Let the tears flow down your face, giving the Lord praiseall through your secret place. Open the door to your heart, don't mind thedevil if he stalks, you just continue to be with God as you walk. Don't tripand don't stumble, just keep your head up. The weights may be heavy, God is coming so get ready. Come to worship through the nation, you area survivor in this revival. Pick up your sword which is the bible, and callout God's words. Come to worship, praise his holy name, and rememberDEEPER HEARTI'm tired of living in a life that doesn't care about itself, the person puts mein a dark situation, and you would think this person had no education. Iwatch this person go through high school all the way up to college. Thisperson walked the isle with a new style, always complained with a smile. Asthe years had passed I became weaker as this person became a great speaker.My days have gotten a little dark and smoky, sometimes I feel like givingup. This person doesn't care about nothing but himself. I don't understandwhat I have done to this person, I beat every pulse on time, I'm very healthybut zesty like a lemon lime. This person makes it hard for me to live, but asalways I need to forgive. I cried out loud at this person with love and pain.It seems this person didn't care, had nothing to gain but stand in the rainand fill up with pollution. This person had a bad solution, they tried towarn him but he just kept on polluting. I remember choking and I was notjoking, it made me miss a beat until I fell asleep. I woke up not knowingmy surroundings, trying to figure out my grounding. I feel fresh like a sweetorange on a tree from a smiling day. I don't feel dark, this person even likeslong walks on the park. No more smoke to strangle me, I can beat everybeat because I'm free. I love this new person, this is like beautiful art becausenow I can talk to the spiritual heart. This person praises God for healingher, and finding her a new heart. This person was very young and sick, andthe other person named rick was careless. There is now a young girl who isnot hopeless, but is healed from the healer. She can now go back playing atthe playgrounds making joyful sounds, she can look her parents in the facewith open arms. I can now sing with no harm, and no screaming alarms.I'm one of the happi
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