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  • That You May Know the Lord: An in-depth study of Ezekiel

That You May Know the Lord: An in-depth study of Ezekiel

Angebote / Angebote:

Don't miss this great book! The glory of the Lord. The destruction of Solomon's temple. The exile of the Israelites. The judgment of nations. The pouring out of the Holy Spirit. The Shepherd King. The Millennial Kingdom. These are the topics of the book of Ezekiel! As you study this intriguing book, you will be humbled by the holiness, sovereignty and glory of God, you will be challenged to examine your own lives as you see the sin of the Israelites, you will be inspired as you see the power of the Holy Spirit, and you will be excited as you anticipate wonderful promises to be fulfilled by the Lord. This in-depth Bible study will give you a better understanding of the past, present and future of Israel and as you consider the character and attributes of God, you will come to know Him as your awesome God who is faithful to His word and who is worthy of obedience and reverence. Explore the book of Ezekiel with me so that you may know the Lord more intimately!An excellent companion study is Letters to the Thessalonians: An in-depth Bible study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians These letters are about faith, hope, and love, holiness, prayer, and perseverance, the will of God and the glorious return of Christ, including descriptions of rapture, the day of the Lord, tribulation, and the antichrist. And there is so much more! Almost every major doctrine of our faith is covered in these personal writings from the apostle Paul. Join me as we read someone else's mail. I'm sure you'll find a few things that you will think were written just to you!Elizabeth's studies follow the inductive study process: observation (what the Scripture says), interpretation (what the author intended, what the Scripture means) and application (what difference the Scripture makes in your life.) Coordinating free videos are available on the author's website Study the Bible with Me
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