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  • The Alphabet of Sustainability

The Alphabet of Sustainability

Angebote / Angebote:

A game of chess where the players are the institutions, the governments, and the companies, and we, as individuals, are the pawns. A global game in which the chessboard is our planet. With this metaphor, the authors define sustainability and testify the benefits that the choice of being sustainable delivers, despite the initial costs. The book tells the story of the protagonists of this game: businesses belonging to different fields, of different dimensions, from the smallest family companies to the big multinationals. Many of the latter are companies that were born earlier in history that have taken the big leap of sustainable innovation becoming creators of the common good, while other organizations were already born with this specific objective. The companies that the authors decided to mention for propitiating the Smart & Sustainable approach these organizations view inclusion, sustainability, and cooperation as the core of their activities, and they succeed in implementing the double ecological and digital transition that the paradigm pursues.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


52,50 CHF

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