"A challenging allegory weaving an interesting synthesis of lives that reflect Andean worldviews and contemporary North American academic outlooks - suggesting a hopeful path for transcending the current disastrous tendencies of the world."- Hugh Lacey" />
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  • The Always Already

The Always Already

Angebote / Angebote:

This is a novel about the survival of the planet. It tells the story of Kukuli, a young woman sent by the Oca, a people of great wisdom and power, to The Land, a place where humans are most adamant in using knowledge to control nature. While she travels, Kukuli is distraught by the increasing devastation of the world. She finds solace when she meets and speaks with the ghosts of the people who inhabited The Land before their world changed. Finally, Kukuli meets someone from The Land, falls in love and has a child with him. Their daughter Qallariy has all the powers of the Oca, but must grow up in The Land, where she is seen as different, other. Praise for The Always Already: "I just finished reading The Always Already with great pleasure and deep fascination. It is a wonderful gift to us all. It has stretched both my imagination and my sense of wonder at the broad and deep potential of us human beings. In our present times it touches many bases of concern and many potential sources of healing. The power of love, when it links us, helps us to cross the boundaries of difference and recognize the communalities of all life on the planet and the paths we can share coming together for the greater good. All this shines out brightly in this wonderful novel.">"A challenging allegory weaving an interesting synthesis of lives that reflect Andean worldviews and contemporary North American academic outlooks - suggesting a hopeful path for transcending the current disastrous tendencies of the world."- Hugh Lacey
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF

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