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The Beast and False Prophet Revealed

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(Version 3.5, August, 2020) Now with important new information and insights. Michael D. Fortner takes a fresh new look at Bible prophecy and presents strong evidence that the coming beast and false prophet of the book of Revelation are based solidly in Islam and Muhammad. When the head of the beast has a fatal wound, it represents the death of the Ottoman Empire in World War 1. Which means it will come back to life again to wage jihad upon the world.The second beast of Revelation is Islam, the two horns representing the two factions: Sunni and Shite. Islam has encoded in its teachings- murder, lying, plunder, slavery, rape, warfare, and even terrorism as part of its official religious doctrine.Jesus said that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, and this is exactly what Islam has done from its beginning. No other religion so completely fits the description in the Bible of the beast and false prophet than Islam.Islam is different from all the other religions that do not believe in Jesus, because Islam officially declares that Jesus is not the Son of God (Quran 4:171, 18:4-5), which is the Biblical definition of Antichrist: "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22).Islam ruled the second largest empire in history that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China. Millions of Christians have already suffered and died under Islam's armies of conquest, and Christians are still dying today in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, and many other places.The spread of Islam has left a trail of blood, suffering, and destruction like no other ideology in world history. This book includes a history of Islam's war on Christianity. No one could invent a more evil cult.For hundreds of years the Muslims of North Africa captured European ships, and then American ships, and enslaved the passengers and crews. They even raided coastal towns and dragged people out of churches and into slavery where they were beaten and abused in order to pressure them to convert to Islam.This new book presents the history of Islam's war against Christianity to show how and why it is the beast of Revelation. It also includes Daniel 11. The details presented is like no other book.
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