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The Chronicle Series

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Chronicle of DestinyGenocide. So marks the history of the Chronicle race. The populous Magi erased their more powerful cousins from the face of Lucksphere one thousand years ago, and any Chronicles discovered in the time since are murdered on sight.Tariah Chronis is a Chronicle.Her parents' love and a crafty disguise by a sympathetic member of the Kin race got her past puberty. Getting to adulthood hinges on her control of her emotions. When those emotions are finally released, her identity is revealed and her destiny secured. Now she is on the run, following the map buried within the lines on her body that will lead her to her other half: a Fury.Dominic Whisperer is a Fury.He has lived three centuries waiting for the day he will die. A Fury always feels the birth of their Chronicle, and they always feel their death. A Fury whose Chronicle dies will suffer endlessly until put out of their misery. Twenty years ago, Dominic put his affairs in order and prepared for that day.¿ It didn't come.Now Tariah and Dominic will have to fight for their right to live, and to do it, they might have to save the very world that wants them dead.Chronicle of SummerNine years have passed on Lucksphere since the devastating battle that shattered millennia of beliefs, yet nothing has changed. Chronicles are still murdered on discovery for fear that the Black Magi Elite might find them first. As far as the Magi know, Morgan and Tariah Chronis are the only Chronicles to make it past puberty.They're not.The four Chronicle children that Morgan sent away for safety are now becoming adults. Kelsey Renaire is a fiery Master Weaponsmith with often more sass than sense. Roman Arequo is an aloof and airy farmer who dabbles in glass carving. C.J. Daragon is a gentle weaver who creates beauty from soil and sand. Jayda Lakemore is a gifted doctor whose watery talents mend all but the most terminal injuries. All live hidden as Master Magi. None know what they really are.All of that is about to change.As the Elite rise again and strike out in ways that threaten to tear the land to pieces, the Chronicles of Lucksphere and their Furies are going to have to join forces to save not only themselves, but the Magi and Kin as well. If they don't work fast, this summer will be the last for Lucksphere.Will love finally defeat hate?
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