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The Clan Divided

Angebote / Angebote:

Killing guidelines and dogmas of the cunning leaders are so subtly sophisticated." - - - "If a war lasts many years, not only offenders have usually cruel actions, but also defenders could sometimes commit atrocities. Both sides denounce each other. This makes people confused, and they condemn both offenders and defenders, or they wrongly support offenders or invaders and criticize defenders or victims." - - - " . . . Thus, gullible intellectuals like you are more harmful . . . You don't carry out fact-finding on the reality of the despotical systems which invaders implement in their country . . . but you think on your utopian ideals and read their propagandist books . . . Better I kill you to stop your wrong actions . . ." - - - " . . . Brutality won generosity and barbary defeated civilization. Now, blindness guides clear-sightedness, dullness rules intelligence, and uneducated teaches educated." - - - "Both of us know they're sly and cruel invaders, but fringe benefits, high positions, advantageous prerogatives, and profitable privileges are given by victors, not by defeat. Be clever to procure them." - - - " . . . On the other hand, the consecutive governments of this country are implementing pragmatic policies: they welcome us as businesspersons, we bring great amounts of money to this country, they don't care about our dictatorship. Refugees like you have so many misunderstandings . . . Money conquers everything.
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21,90 CHF