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  • The Colonel's Dream

The Colonel's Dream

Angebote / Angebote:

Excerpt: ... and Bre'r Fox an de yuther creturs talkin' an' gwine on jes' lak folks?" "Yes, Uncle Peter, but those were just stories, they didn't really talk, did they?" "Law', honey, " said the old man, with a sly twinkle in his rheumy eye, "you is de sma'tes' little white boy I ever knowed, but you is got a monst'us heap ter l'arn yit, chile. Nobody ain' done tol' you 'bout de Black Cat an' de Ha'nted House, is dey?" "No, Uncle Peter-you tell me." "I didn' knowed but Miss Grac'ella mought a tole you-she knows mos' all de tales." "No, she hasn't. You tell me about it, Uncle Peter." "Well, " said Peter, "does you 'member dat coal-black man dat drives de lumber wagon?" "Yes, he goes by our house every day, on the way to the sawmill." "Well, it all happen' 'long er him. He 'uz gwine long de street one day, w'en he heared two gent'emen-one of 'em was ole Mars' Tom Sellers an' I fuhgot de yuther-but dey 'uz talkin' 'bout dat ole ha'nted house down by de creek, 'bout a mile from hyuh, on de yuther side er town, whar we went fishin' las' week. Does you 'member de place?" "Yes, I remember the house." "Well, as dis yer Jeff-dat's de lumber-wagon driver's name-as dis yer Jeff come up ter dese yer two gentlemen, one of 'em was sayin, 'I'll bet five dollahs dey ain' narry a man in his town would stay in dat ha'nted house all night.' Dis yer Jeff, he up 'n sez, sezee, 'Scuse me, suh, but ef you'll 'low me ter speak, suh, I knows a man wat'll stay in dat ole ha'nted house all night.'" "What is a ha'nted house, Uncle Peter?" asked Phil. "W'y. Law, ' chile, a ha'nted house is a house whar dey's ha'nts!" "And what are ha'nts, Uncle Peter?" 150 "Ha'nts, honey, is sperrits er dead folks, dat comes back an' hangs roun' whar dey use' ter lib." "Do all spirits come back, Uncle Peter?" "No, chile, bress de Lawd, no. Only de bad ones, w'at has be'n so wicked dey can't rest in dey graves. Folks lack yo' gran'daddy and yo' gran'mammy-an' all de...
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