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Constitution of the United States

Angebote / Angebote:

This edition of the United States Constitution features the complete text of the Constitution and its twenty-seven amendments in a definitive and easily read version that has been approved by leading congressional and constitutional scholars plus an essay on the Constitution and Race by President Barack Obama. Illuminating this historic document are essays and commentary by some of America's leading statesmen, including President Barack Obama, Former Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, and Senator Robert Dole. Senator Charles McC. Mathias Jr. considered by many to have been the most distinguished senatorial scholar on the Constitution, conveys the fascinating story of the Constitution in an essay that can be enjoyed by all who cherish its freedoms. Former Speaker of the House, the late Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, who presided over some of the most important legislation of the twentieth century, discusses what the Constitution means to us today.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


37,90 CHF

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