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The Courage to Shine

Angebote / Angebote:

Do you ever wonder if you're living the wrong life, as if somehow, when "two roads diverged in a yellow wood" - you took the wrong road and wound up here? What 'less travelled' path makes all the difference? Is there any such thing as a wrong road? The Courage to Shine is a powerful and inspirational story of how Eileen Forrestal, a former anaesthesiologist, transforms her life. A childhood stutterer, who remained silent in the shadows to hide her voice, is now a successful entrepreneur who finds joy and freedom in the healing power of words and encourages others to discover the same. While her speech impediment was the result of an accidental overdose of junior aspirin, Eileen 40 years later, is left with a failed marriage, unfulfilled and dissatisfied in an outwardly 'successful' career, wondering "How did this happen to me?" Eileen retraces the steps that got her to that point, acknowledging the courage it takes to tell the truth about one's own life. Having left a successful career in medicine, Eileen now lives a life "beyond her dreams" as an entrepreneurial thought leader, writer, speaker and coach.With this book, she is stepping out from behind her beloved inspirational Get Up and Go Diaries, and using her own words and wisdom, to share her story of finding her voice, healing a powerful mother-daughter relationship and discovering the courage to shine.From a lifetime of 'putting people to sleep', Eileen is now in the business of 'Waking People Up'!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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