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  • The Divine Savage

The Divine Savage

Angebote / Angebote:

Death: The one thing every living thing must eventually confront. This is one of the core life functions over which we have almost no control beyond perhaps being able to postpone the inevitable through healthy living and modern medicine. Death is essential to make room for new life. We are recycled stardust, and our atoms will go on to nourish other living creatures and be put to many other uses throughout the cosmos. In that sense we are immortal... but what about our egos, that which makes each of us a "me"? Do we survive physical death? This book examines many sources of evidence, including mysticism, religion, philosophy, paranormality, physics, cosmology, and neurology to arrive at a startling conclusion that will both affirm and challenge your beliefs about what happen s when we die. As you will learn, those who say that this lifetime is all we get and that everything "fades to black" when we die are correct in many ways... as are those who claim that we do in fact survive physical death and continue on. You will learn how these and other seemingly opposing views are all correct in their own way... and how they coalesce into a logically coherent and self-explanatory vision of a Universe that is truly miraculous in both form and function.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


78,00 CHF