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The Dominion Educator (Classic Reprint)

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Excerpt from The Dominion Educator Botany Bay, a bay in New South Wales twenty miles in extent, so called on account of the great number of new plants collected in its vicinity. It was entered by Captain Cook in 1770, when he took possession of New South Wales in the name of the British sovereign. Bot'fly, the common name of a class of flies that are very troublesome to stockmen. They are heavy-bodied, hairy insects, somewhat resembling bumblebees. The botfly which preys on horses and cows lays its eggs upon the hairs of the animal's flanks or legs, and the larvae, when hatched, are licked up by the tongue and taken into the mouth, stomach and intestines, causing much injury and suffering. The larvae of other species burrow inside the nostrils of stock, and there are some which live under the skin of the animals. Cattle which have lumps on their backs show the presence of botfly larvae. Kerosene injected into the spots will destroy the grubs. Bothnia, bahth' ni a, Gulf of, a gulf forming the northern arm of the Baltic Sea, lying north of the Aland Islands and projecting between Finland on the east and Sweden on the west. Its length is 400 miles, its average width about 120 miles and its depth from 164 to 330 feet. There are numerous islands, and many small inlets along the shores, so navigation is rather difficult, although there are many good harbors. On account of the large number of mountain streams flowing into it, the waters are comparatively fresh. In winter the gulf freezes over. In 1918 the Aland Islands were captured by the Germans, and the German fleet dominated the gulf. Both'Well, James Hepburn, Earl of (1536?-1578), known in Scottish history by his marriage to Mary Queen of Scots. It is believed that he was deeply concerned in the murder of Darnley, Mary's husband. He was charged with the crime and was tried, but, appearing with 4, 000 followers, he was readily acquitted. He was then in high favor with the queen, and, with or without her consent, he seized her at Edinburgh, carried her a prisoner to Dunbar Castle and prevailed upon her to marry him after he had divorced his own wife. A confederacy was formed against him, and in a short time Mary was a prisoner in Edinburgh. Meanwhile Bothwell had been forced to flee to Denmark, where he died. Botticelli, bot te chel'le, Sandro (properly Alessandro Filipepi) (1447-1515), an Italian painter of the Florentine school. Working at first in the shop of the goldsmith Botticelli, from whom he takes his name, he showed such talent that he was removed to the studio of the distinguished painter, Fra Filippo Lippi. To the fire and passion of his master's style, he added a fine imaginativeness and delicacy of his own. His greatest works are his madonnas, which exhibit particularly his individuality and religious fervor (see Madonna). There is a certain tender and pathetic expression in the faces of all his figures. Some of his other works are The Triumph of Spring, Birth of Venus, The Nativity and The Adoration of the Magi. There are many of his pictures in the galleries in Europe, and in the Pitti, Florence, and several frescoes are in the Sistine Chapel, Rome. In his later years Botticelli became an ardent disciple of Savonarola, and is said to have neglected painting for the study of mystical theology. Bottle, a vessel for holding liquids. At one end is a narrow neck with a small opening, which can be closed with a stopper. Bottles are now chiefly made of glass or earthenware. In bottle-making the glass is blown instead of pressed into form. A mass of molten glass is taken from the smelting furnace and placed on the end of a hollow metal tube. The operator blows into the tube, and the glass is formed into a long, hollow, pear-shaped mass, which is then swung into an open mold. The mold is closed upon it, and the glass forced into
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