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The Drop

Angebote / Angebote:

An unknown pursuer chases a woman who bears and protects a cold, darkened heart. Frustrated, she is cornered by something foreign, yet good. The prey? Dr. Lissa Ryons, forensic scientist at the heart of the busy United Nations Headquarters. Discovered in the Lost and Found is a formal cloth table napkin. On both sides are intricate writings of an unknown language and perplexing diagrams. Forensics receives the unusual napkin for analysis. Dr. Ryon's senses and sensibilities are set off-kilter and mystified to her core. Through unusual circumstances this emotionally shutdown woman enters unknown territory where she is valued and finds meaning. Distracted out of her daily routine she maneuvers to search out jarring answers. Veering from her private-self, Lissa questions: My life isn't right, but it isn't wrong--is it? For the first time she wants to join the human race and not live a normal life, no, a better than normal life. Years of shame and guilt are disassembled by a being from another dimension. Follow the moving experiences which cause her to leave an outdated wooden personality for a real and desirable one. Lissa's pursuer is closer than she thinks. Due to the specimen's uncommon properties her private life is over and made available to the world.
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18,90 CHF