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The Electric Furnace as Applied to Metallurgy - A Reading List 1900-1919

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THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 1 A READING LIST, 1900-19J9. By CLARENCE JAY WEST. The following pages contain a list of magazine references on the construction and operation of the electric furnace as applied to the metallurgy of iron and steel and the non-ferrous metals. An attempt has been made to include all the important references since 1900, at which time the electric furnace was becoming established in the iron and steel industry. Since 1907 the reference to Chemical Abstracts is given in addition to the magazine references, since this source will enable the reader to eliminate many of the references here given as unsuitable for his particular needs. Criticism of the arrangement of this work is cordially invited, since we desire to make such studies of the greatest value to all interested. GENERAL. Acid electric furnace process. Iron Age 93, 670-672 March 12, 1914. Adler, E., and Sabersky, E. New electrical hardening furnace. Trans. Faraday Soc. 5, 15 1909. Automatic control for high rated electric furnaces. Elec. W. 71, 699 1918 C. A. 12, 1267. Automatic furnace temperature control. Iron Age 99, 546 1917 C. A. 11, 1062. Badger, W. L. A switchboard for experimental electric furnace work. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 31, 157-164 1917 C. A. 11, 1791. 1 Manuscript received February 9, 1920. Information Department, Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. GG25 2 . .. . ...- XSJvARENCE JAY WEST. Baily, T. F. An electric furnace for heating bars and billets. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 285 1911 21, 419 1912 Iron Age 87, 1094-7 May 4, 1911 C. A. 5, 3377. Data on the operation of electric furnaces. Elec. W. 71, 780-781 1918. Electric furnaces for reheating, heat treatment and anneal- ing. Eng. Soc. W. Pa. Proc. 31, 255-72, 272-283 1915 Met. Chem. Eng. 13, 558-64 1915 C. A. 9, 2736 Ry. Age 89, 481-2 Mech. Eng. 37, 415-16 Iron Trade R. 57, 405 1915. Electric furnaces of the resistance type used in the production of essential war materials. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 35, 411-414 1919 C. A. 13, 931. Electricity for heat treatment in the steel industry. Elec. Rev. 75, 149-54 1919 C. A. 13, 2159. Heat treatment in automatic electric furnaces. Iron Age 96, 993-995 1915 Iron Trade Rev. 57, 833-856 1915. Baily automatic electric furnace for heat treating shells. Met. Chem. Eng. 18, 156 1918 C. A. 12, 651. Bartlett, C. W. Commercial application of resistance furnaces. Elec. W. 65, 1526-7 1915 C. A. 10, 16. Beckman, J. W. Electrolytic furnace method for producing metals. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 19, 171 1911 Chem. Eng. 13, 158 C. A. 5, 2467. Benner, R. C. An electric laboratory furnace. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 4, 43 1912 C. A. 6, 713. Bennie, P. M. Electric furnace, its place in siderurgy. iEng. Soc. W. Penn., Proc. 26, 487 1910 C. A. 5, 3197 J. Can. Min. Inst. 13, 135-150 1910 Iron Age 85, 216-218 1910. Electric smelting in the foundry. Electrochem. Met. Eng. 5, 75-76 1907 C. A. 1, 1381. Bibby, J. Electric furnace developments. Iron Coal Trades Rev. 97, 719-722 Dec. 27, 1918. Boiling, F. Resistance materials for electrical furnaces. Elektrochem. Z, 17, 331-333 C. A. 5, 3654. Booth, Carl H. The Booth electric rotating furnace. Chem. Met. Eng. 21, 636-638 Nov. 12-19, 1919. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE AS APPLIED TO METALLURGY. 3 Booth, W. K. Booth-Hall electric furnace. Iron Coal Trades Rev. 98, 617 May 9, 1919 Can. Machy. 21, 430-433 May 1, 1919 Can. Foundryman 10, 142-145 June, 1919. Borchers, W. Electric crucible furnace for melting and pouring metals. Metallurgie 8, 209-211 C. A. 5, 3197. Electric smelting with the Girod furnace. Eng. Min. J. 88, 1113-7 1909 Mining J...
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