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The Fifth Wound

Angebote / Angebote:

*Author has a devoted following via OnlyFans where she publishes both writing and adult content. She sees the two artforms as overlapping and inseparable from one another. "I wanted to publish on OnlyFans specifically because the people who I want most as readers don't need to divorce me from my body and make me ethereal, cis people always call beautiful dolls "unreal" or "ethereal, " and that's both pedestalizing and dehumanizing, ultimately. I'm not unreal, my writing is not only a fantasy. My porn is not only a fantasy. The world of the major publishers, of the New Yorker and the Paris Review, of the major reviewing outlets, is so buttoned-up and compartmentalized. It's so dry. My writing is wet. I make the pages stick together." *Author has published stories in Zoetrope and All Stories. Lithub published a feature on Aurora about subversive models of self-publishing via OnlyFans. A collection of stories, Unsex Me Here is forthcoming from Coffee House press 2023. The Fifth Wound will be the author's first full-length publication in print form. *The Author began writing The Fifth Wound in 2020 and finished in 2022 as an attempt to understand how to access pleasure with her body in the wake of violent destabilizations. * @silicone_angel (twitter) @silicone_dream_ (Instagram)
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22,90 CHF