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The Fortunes Of Glencore

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Excerpt: ...the police." "Of course I do, your Highness. They predict events with too much accuracy not to have a hand in their fulfilment. I knew three weeks ago when this outbreak was to occur, who was to be assassinated, -since that is the phrase for Marocchi's mock wound, -who was to be arrested, and the exact nature of the demand the Council would make of your Royal Highness to suppress the troubles." "And what was that?" asked the Duke, grasping a paper in his hand as he spoke. "An Austrian division, with a half-battery of field-artillery, a judge-advocate to try the prisoners, and a provost-marshal to shoot them." "And you 'd have me believe that all these disturbances are deliberate plots of a party who desire Austrian influence in the Duchy?" cried the Duke, eagerly. "There may be really something in what you suspect. Here's a letter I have just received from La Sabloukoff, -she 's always keen-sighted, and she thinks that the Court at Vienna is playing out here the game that they have not courage to attempt in Lombardy. What if this Wahnsdorf was a secret agent in the scheme, eh, Stubber?" Stubber started with well-affected astonishment, and appeared as if astounded at the keen acuteness of the Duke's suggestion. "Eh!" cried his Highness, in evident delight. "That never occurred to you, Stubber? I'd wager there's not a man in the Duchy could have hit that plot but myself." Stubber nodded sententiously, without a word. "I never liked that fellow, " resumed the Duke. "I always had my suspicion about that half-reckless, wasteful manner he had. I know that I was alone in this opinion, eh, Stubber? It never struck you?" "Never! your Highness, never!" replied Stubber, frankly. "I can't show you the Sabloukoff's letter, Stubber, there are certain private details for my own eye alone, but she speaks of a young sculptor at Carrara, a certain-Let me find his name. Ah! here it is, Sebastian Greppi, a young artist of promise, for whom she...
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