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  • The Fulfillment of Prophecy at the End of the Age

The Fulfillment of Prophecy at the End of the Age

Angebote / Angebote:

Within these pages, we deal with true martyrdom--controversially, as well as persecution in the United States, as through the Mental Health system under a godless secularism. Here is the evidence of the inevitable national moral decline, as our Constitution is maligned here in the U.S., while we accept the conditions giving rise to the Mark of the Beast in our society. The book is culminated from a year's worth of dreams divined from a God-induced sleep, during this time of terrible struggle. We have concretely determined the personage and name of the Beast, according to Revelation 13:18, and we further deduce the identities of the Antichrist and False Prophet at this prophetic turning point. We try to put the pieces together to detail the extent of corruption in the U.S. government these two decades now, accepting responsibility for our elected representatives before we are bound alike, and incapable of acting against their legalistic bondage to the Beast. Believers must turn and face God, don't put your trust in any man, but wholly lean on God, especially as we witness the debacle of wanton lawlessness among both Democratic and Republican parties alike, here in the U.S., typical of lawlessness, political hatred and strife, globally. We have the knowledge of the identity of the Beast, the ascent of his man, the Antichrist, and the scriptural evidence that provides that Christ's return is imminent, for the man of lawlessness is revealed, as told in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Both scholarly and accessible, this book carries the crux of biblical prophecy for the End of the Age.
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