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  • The Gates of Chance by Van Tassel Sutphen, Science Fiction, Literary

The Gates of Chance by Van Tassel Sutphen, Science Fiction, Literary

Angebote / Angebote:

We like Van Tassel Sutphen's work a lot -- open up and read a bit to see why, jhe'a an enoormourly lucid and engaging writer -- but, try as we might, we've had a hard time finding much out about him. Oh, there are a few lines in the Science Fiction encyclopedia to the effect that he was an American writer who lived from 1861 to 1945, that he wrote a bunch of golf stories, and a terse description of his 1906 postholocaust novel, _The Doomsman._ (Yes, 1906 -- bet you thought all this end-of-the-world thinking came out of the inventionn of the A Bomb, but no, Sutphen just barely lived to see that.) The Tuck encyclopedia adds his place of birth (Philadelphia) and lists a bunch of indivivual stories. But we'd love to know more, and can't imagine how we'd learn it. Sigh. At least the work's still available to read: enjoy it, he really was a fine writer.
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