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The Gay Gift

Angebote / Angebote:

Near the end of the 20th Century, in Northeastern Ohio, two baby girls - one Black, one white - were born on the same day, in the same hospital, to two different mothers, who decided to raise them as twins. They were named Kalila Muhammed and Shayna Cohen. The twin daughters united a happy, loving double-family, one Black-Muslim, one Jewish. When they became teenagers, Shayna discovered she was a Lesbian, Kalila was not. After their first year of college at Kent State University, Shayna suddenly found she was able to begin building a socially-Progressive, solar-powered, urban-village in Cleaveland Heights, Ohio, where she could make it possible for Poor or low-income people - Black, of varied ethnicities, and/or LGBTQ - with or without children, to buy their own homes, and not be trapped in having to rent all their lives. Shayna and the Village she built faced many difficulties over the years: fire, Global-Warming, COVID, huge snow storms, the loss of her first Lover, people who objected to the Village because she managed to make a small profit, traumatic arrest for fraud and larceny, public accusations that she was secretly a Socialist (because she obviously valued Poor people), or that she was a pedophile (because she was Gay). There was a woman who attacked her for cutting-down a large old tree rotting in the Village. Over their lifetimes, the twins came to learn exactly what the Gay Gift really was. . . .
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34,50 CHF