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  • The Glasnost Conspiracy

The Glasnost Conspiracy

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Glasnost-Arnie Rosen's family and children are killed as Charles Van Damme's men grab the file that proves that Van Damme, Chief of the CIA' European Division, is collaborating with the Russians. Van Damme's men catch Arnie, but he escapes, only to be placed in an institution which is a CIA front, controlled by Van Damme. He escapes, again, to Key West, where Marquand, his old CIA mentor, arranges for him to get safe passage to Europe, where he can catch Van Damme engaging in espionage with the Russians. He and Van Damme's dupe, Otto Gruhaber, a computer genius who is unwittingly enlisted in Van Damme's plot, escape back to the US, where Arnie's friend, Mark Hickey appears to give them safe conduct to DC. Their purpose is to thwart Van Damme's appointment as new CIA head. But Hickey's help ends in disaster. They escape, fight their way through a cordon of Capitol Security, Van Damme's men and the FBI, to expose Van Damme in the Senate hearing room, where Rosen's enemy is to be confirmed. Van Damme attempts an escape, but is captured by Arnie, and discredited. But is rosen a hero, or did he destroy the only man capable of stopping the GLASNOST CONSPIRACY?
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


47,50 CHF