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  • The Glory of Belgium

The Glory of Belgium

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I have attempted to give a sketch of some of the relics of medival Belgium, the wonderful Gothic churches and civic buildings that were to be seen before the present war. Although I have everywhere spoken of thse monuments of old Flanders as still extant, unhappily in some cases the past tense will have to be substituted for the present. What remains unimpaired by the hand of time to-day may suffer destruction from the ruthless hands of the invading foe to-morrow. War always leaves its mark on a country, for, while time heals many of its wounds, the scars that it inflicts on old churches and other ancient buildings never can be healed. Egypt, Greece, Italy, Gad-what storied country is there that has not felt the devastating breath of war Reformers, Roundheads, Industrial Revolutionaries have between them wrought havoc on the antique towers and veteran battlements of Britain. The architecture and the pictures, the poetry and the prose that illustrate the progress of Modern Belgium, much of it admirable as defining the Belgian nationality, are outside the scope of this book. Her mediaeval relics constitute the real glory of Belgium. But Flemish art is so much the outcome of the commercial life of the country as to postulate a certain. knowledgc of the history of Flanders-this I have tried to sulyly, besides describing the old churches, palaces, town halls, and belfries, and a few of the pictures, devoting attention chiefly to the early masters, the Van Eycks, Memlince and their school. In the writing of this sketch I have been greatly indebted to the help and advice of my friend Mr. Thorns Seccornbe. A nation of varied races-United by her arts and industries-- Early history-Charlernagne-The freedom of the towns -The Burgundian rule-Unda thc Holy Roman Empire -The spread of Protestantism-The Duke of Alq-His reign of terror-Later history-The German scourge of a brave nation . . BRUGES A beautiful town-In the Middle Ages- Iron Hand-Bruges at the zenith of its glory-Under Austrian rult-Baldwin of Constantinople--The Belfry--Thc Halles -The Grand Place--The Hate1 de Ville-The Falais de Justice-The Ancien Greffe-The Chapel of the Holy Blood-Theodoric of Alsac-X centre of the Flemish arts -Haw Mcmlinc-The story of St. Ursula-Memlincs paintings on hcr Keliquary-The mystic marriage of Sr. Catherine-The Cathedral-Notre Dame . ANTWERP, MALINES PACE The early history of rhe town-Charles V.-Its pmth as a commercial centre--Alvae rule of terror-The city uckcd --Desicged and taken by Parma-John Robys description of Antwerp-The Cathedral -The Tower-Rubenss Crucifixion - The Descent from the Cross -Thiophile Gautiers Tdiron dor-The Church of St. Jacquee-The Plantin-Moretus Museum-The Town Hall-Houses in the Grand Place-Quentin Mmys-His Dead Christ -Rubens -Van Dyck-Malines and thc tower- The Cathedral-Van Dycks GlvarY -Rubenss Masterpieces -LierreCt. Gommarius 43-64 CHAPTER 1V GHENT The Watemnya of Flanders-Dante--The Coults and Jacques van Artevelde-Edward 111.-Commercial prospcrity- Death of Van Artevelde-His son Philip-lhilip Ie Bon- Charles V.-The Palace OF the Counts--The Belfry-The Mammelokker-The Hbtel de ViIle-St. Nicholas-St. Michrels Church-Hubert and Jan van Eyck-The Cathedral-Hubenss altar-piece of St. Bavon-Van Eycks Adoration of the Lamb . . 67-89 CHAPTER V COURTRAT, TOURNAI, OUDENARDE AND YPRES Courtrai-The Battle of the Spurs--Robe.rt of ArtoisSt. Martins Church-Van Dycks EIevation of the Crons -Tournai-Notabie historical cventlts buildingsqt. . ...
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